
Friends ....

I woke up early in the morning
I wanted to write about friends
but syddenly someone´s brutality shook me

How could you shatter other´s dreams
and then shatter your own
what happened in that mind?
was he so lonely?

Maybe if I had been there
to hug him
the news could have talked other things

But it was to late
your friends didn´t know the tragedy inside your soul
I don´t feel very well

But we must continue...


Bugwit said...

What is this about, Vilma? Did a friend kill himself? The man in the US who killed so many people? Something else?

Vilma Rubi said...

human tragedies ... in our world ...this time US...what happend with him? ok I will close my eyes and try to sleep now ... I want screaming but the neighbours will think at I am crazy ...

Bugwit said...

I don't know, Vilma. He had mental problems (obviously) and he had been hopitalized before. It is quite sad how people don't get proper mental health care here.