

Caminar por los tuneles
mas profundos del ser
llevan siempre a una nueva luz

Una luz que deja huella
en la piel
una busqueda intermitente
los tesoros del alma

El alma no tiene salida ...
esta presa
atada en la infinitud de un amor
amor inexistente ... pobre alma
ya no tiene cabida en ningún lugar

como miles de humanos
que ya no tienen cabida
en ningun lugar
de guerras con reglas de juego
que protegen la "vida"

Aquellas reglas
que evitan
ciertas catástrofes humanas
sin lograr evitar la mayor de ellas
la guerra misma

Déjenla salir
déjenla correr
déjenla que cante
que llore
déjenla bailar

el alma
en paz


A day to remember.... 17.mai

I saw people to day
with much colours than usually
I saw them with a smile in those faces
and with much happiness

I felt a part of this place
a part of this city
my mind was quiet
and the beautiful Juni was also there

She is a ligth in the middle of the storm,
we don´t know really when the storm will begin
but it will begin one of those days

I should didn`t writing this
but I need let this feeling go
and later maybe I can put new fresh ideas in my mind



let me
your measure

let me
your keystone

let me
your sound

let me
your face

let me
your sound
in my movements

in the end
let me be

my self

and you
can be
your self



I walked in the streeds to day
with my hands in my pockets

for a moment I felt naked
and certainly it was cold outside

A cold idea came to me in the same moment
my heart beat faster
and I turned my head to see behind me

There he was, with those intense blue eyes

He is a murder
the morder of my dreams
without face
without intentions

He didn´t want to kill me or kill my dreams
he just smiled to me and he went


Når tiden er mer enn evigheten.

Å leve intens på hvert sekund
kan være en form for å leve
gir alt det man har på hvert sekund
kan være kunsten som lever livet ut

det er vi mennesker som tror
at vi er mer enn alle andre vesener
men det er vi som kan ødelege mest
på hvert sekund vi lever

Mine venner sier til meg
gjør noe med det du tenker!
og det gjør jeg ... jeg sier i fra hva jeg tenker
og det føles bedre enn å være stille...